Sales Order Automation

Convert Email Orders into Digital Transactions

Pantry AI revolutionizes B2B ordering for the top manufacturers and distributors. Receive the speed, precision, and efficiency of digital order channels like ecommerce or EDI - without ever changing how your customers place orders.

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Incredible Customer Experience

Today's buyers demand effortless interactions. Meet and exceed these expectations to stay competitive and build loyalty.

Cut Costs, Boost Efficiency

Streamline operations to lower per-order expenses, minimize errors, and increase processing times without sacrificing quality.

Automate Manual Tasks

Expand your business without expanding your team. Automate manual tasks to unlock your staff's full potential.

AI x Order Automation

Discover how Pantry AI Works

Our platform leverages AI and ML to revolutionize emailed business documents. Unlike our competitors, we go beyond standard solutions by not only extracting and processing data, but also applying custom business logic to transform the information within your documents.

Email Automation

Pantry AI automatically detects and processes documents received via email in your inbox.

Data Extraction

Pantry AI pinpoints and extracts key information from documents, regardless of format, language, or length.

Precise Field Recognition

All data fields are 100% accurately identified, and we flag areas that require attention

Seamless System Integration

Data is automatically pulled from the ERP and other core business systems.

Intelligent Data Processing

Custom rules and logic can be applied based on the specific customer or vendor.

Finalized Output

Information is converted into a format compatible with your ERP or other systems.


Discover how customers are using Pantry AI 

Learn how Kiva Sales and Service, a leading Cannabis distributor in California and New Jersey, is leveraging Pantry AI to cut order processing time in half. 


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Save time, reduce order errors, and boost customer satisfaction.