
This is How to Win on Faire with Caroline Grace

Get the inside scoop and firsthand takes on how brands can make it big on Faire with CPG wholesale and ecommerce expert Caroline Grace.

Caroline Grace is the founder of Product & Prosper, a consulting firm that helps CPG brands win in retail, and a bona fide Faire expert. With her finger on the pulse of the wholesale world, Caroline's got the inside scoop and firsthand experience on how brands can make it big on Faire.

What should all brands do to optimize their success on Faire? 

You've got to do your homework. Start by checking out other brands in your category. Pay attention to how many products they have listed—this usually shows how well they're performing on the platform. More products typically means more visibility. And look out for bestseller tags, too. You only get that tag after a certain number of orders, so it's a good indicator of sales volume. 

Check out how they're using keywords in their product names and descriptions. If it's well-optimized, they're probably getting a lot of algorithm-driven traffic. If not, they might be relying on brand recognition or using Faire as part of their broader wholesale strategy.

Don't overlook the minimum order quantity (MOQ). I usually recommend keeping it low to get buyers to take a chance on you. 

And seriously, don't skimp on your images. Faire is visual—think Instagram, not Amazon. Buyers want to see how your products will look on their shelves, so make sure your photos are high-quality, consistent, and show how different items in a product line will complement each other.

How can brands stand out on Faire? 

Standing out on Faire starts with visuals. Look at what everyone else in your category is doing and do something different. If they're all using white backgrounds, try a colorful or lifestyle image.

Think about how you're presenting your offerings. Buyers appreciate when it's clear you've thought about their needs. Create bundles or displays that show how your products can be merchandised together. And again, keep that MOQ low—make it easy for them to give you a shot.

But remember: You can only do so much on the platform itself—it all goes back to your product foundation. At the end of the day, you need a product that actually sells. Make sure you're building your brand presence in other channels too. Faire is a great tool, but it's not going to do all the work for you.

Lastly, don't underestimate customer service. Faire isn't a transactional marketplace—it's about building relationships with independent retailers. This is where Product & Prosper’s Faire Manage service comes into play: We manage customer service for our clients, sending abandoned cart messages, following up on orders, checking in on reorders, etc. We make sure that our response rate is fast—that personal touch can really set you apart.

What’s the biggest mistake you see brands making on Faire?

The biggest mistakes brands make on Faire often stem from misunderstanding the platform's nature and potential. Many brands just upload their consumer-facing product listings without tailoring them for wholesale buyers. Others fall into a "set it and forget it" mindset: Brands will list their products and then wonder why they're not seeing sales. Faire isn't a magic sales generator—you've got to put in the work.

There's also often an unrealistic expectation that Faire will immediately match Amazon-level sales volumes. This overlooks the fundamental differences between these platforms and their respective buyer bases.

But the biggest mistake? Thinking that just being on Faire is enough to drive sales. In reality, success on Faire requires a solid foundation—including strong branding, appealing products, and effective off-platform marketing. Faire should be seen as a conversion tool within a broader sales strategy, not a standalone solution for generating wholesale business.

Are there any other wholesale platforms similar to Faire that you recommend to clients? 

Pod Foods (for multi-store retailers) and Airgoods (best for beverage brands & retailers but quickly expanding).



Want to learn how Pantry AI can help you with your wholesale operations on platforms like Faire? Book a Demo here. 

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